Nest #519

Edward and Jane Opalacz
Scholarship Information
The scholarship will be awarded to a candidate intending to pursue further education as a full time undergraduate student (minimum of 12 credit hours) at an accredited two or four year college, university, technical or trade school, who meets the threshold criteria as determined by the Scholarship Committee (e.g. combination of grades, participation in Falcon activities, extra-curricular activities and community involvement).
The recipient will be selected by the PFA, Nest 519 Scholarship Committee. In the event that there are no candidates meeting the threshold criteria, the Scholarship Committee will consider other candidates pursuing specialized or post-graduate education. The decision of the Scholarship Committee will be final.
Applications must be submitted to the Scholarship Committee Chairperson no later than April 30th. Dr. Robert Jakubiec, 225 Coleman Rd., Middletown, CT 06457 or
For more information on scholarship requirements select the link below.
Contact us for any information about Scholorship